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从1‰到1⅓ ―― Lumia 950/XL刷Windows 10 ARM 64 完整资源


2018-07-02 一加5T

#玩机技巧# #酷安夜话# #ROM杂谈# 查看链接»


从1‰到1⅓――Nokia MDG Hapanero 刷 Windows 10 ARM 64 教程查看链接»

从1‰到1⅓――Nokia MDG Hapanero 刷 Windows 10 ARM 64 教程

Lumia 950 XL 刷 Windows 10 ARM 64 教程:查看链接»

Lumia 950 XL 刷 Windows 10 ARM 64 教程


Guides and Files to install Windows 10 ARM64 on your devices are here: 查看链接»

Guides and Files to install Windows 10 ARM64 on your devices

UUP (Unified Update Platform) Generation Project (v2.2.2) (Windows镜像文件获取工具) :查看链接»

UUP (Unified Update Platform) Generation Project (v2.2.2)








Windows 10 ARM 64论坛:查看链接»

Windows 10 ARM 64论坛


SmileTech Apps Mobile Help : 查看链接»

SmileTech Apps Mobile Help

Step 1 - Part 1 - Windows 10 Arm OS installation on lumia 950/950xl: First step flashing phone via : 查看链接»

Step 1 - Part 1 - Windows 10 Arm OS installation on lumia 95

Step 2 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Unlocking boot loader of Lumia 950/950xl : 查看链接»

Step 2 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Unlockin

Step 2 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Creating partitions (Storage space) : 查看链接»

Step 2 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Creating

Step 3 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Creating ext4 partitions using Gparted : 查看链接»

Step 3 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Creating

Step 3 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Continuation of video Step 3 - Part 1 video : 查看链接»

Step 3 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Continua

Step 4 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Copying Bootshim required files & BCD editing : 查看链接»

Step 4 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Copying

Step 5 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950/950 xl: BCD editing procedure : 查看链接»

Step 5 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950/950 xl: B

Step 5 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia: BCD editing & Fastboot UEFI.elf procedure : 查看链接»

Step 5 - Part 2 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia: BCD editing

Step 6 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC to (ARM) on Lumia 950/950xl : Dism applying Windows arm image : 查看链接»

Step 6 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC to (ARM) on Lumia 950/950xl

Step 7 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: First Booting to Windows 10 : 查看链接»

Step 7 - Part 1 - Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: First Bo

Step 8 - Part 1 - Windows 10 on Lumia950 : Adding battery driver and dual booting option : 查看链接»

Step 8 - Part 1 - Windows 10 on Lumia950 : Adding battery d

Windows 10 ARM on Lumia 950 Extras: Different build speed test:查看链接»

Windows 10 ARM on Lumia 950 Extras: Different build speed te

Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Installing and checking different apps:查看链接»

Windows 10 PC (ARM) on Lumia 950: Installing and checking di

Windows 10 PC(ARM) on Lumia 950: Additional: Fast video of running windows10 with apps : 查看链接»

Windows 10 PC(ARM) on Lumia 950: Additional: Fast video of r

Windows 10 PC(ARM) on Lumia 950/950xl: Additional Part b: Booting and applications : 查看链接»

Windows 10 PC(ARM) on Lumia 950/950xl: Additional Part b: Bo

Windows 10 ARM on Lumia 950/950xl:Drivers installation Part 1:查看链接»

Windows 10 ARM on Lumia 950/950xl:Drivers installation Part

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